1. Why is the change I made with the appraisal district not showing up?
Changes with the appraisal district take time to be reflected online. If you have contacted the appraisal district with a modification, please allow some time for the information to be updated on the website. If you have questions regarding any change made with the appraisal district, please contact them directly.
2. Why is my information incorrect?
This website contains data for informational purposes only. For the most accurate figures, please contact the appraisal district directly. If you need a change made to your information, please contact the appraisal district. If you have already made a change with the appraisal district, please allow time for that to be reflected on the website.
3. Why does it say N/A for the current year’s tax data?
The appraisal district appraises properties throughout the year and then certifies those values. Once all the values have been certified that year’s data will become visible.
4. Why is my property not on the Map?
Maps do not contain the following properties due to lack of data:
  • Personal Properties
  • Mineral Properties
  • Mobile Home Properties
If your property is not one of the conditions listed above, and the property and is not shown, it may not be mapped yet. Please contact the appraisal district for more information.
5. How do I search by address?
On the main search page, select the By Address tab. Begin by typing the whole address and selecting Search. If no results are shown, you may simplify your search by just using the street name or the street name with the numbers. You may also exclude the street type such as Lane, Drive or Road for better results.
6. How do I search by name?
On the main search page, select the By Owner tab. Begin by typing the first and last name of the individual. If no results are shown, you may try to simplify your search by just using the first or last name of the individual. Hint: Choose the most unique of the two names for less search results. Also, remember that names like McDonald may be spelled with a space as in Mc Donald.
7. How do I search for Businesses?
On the main search page, select the Advanced Search tab. Enter the business name under the Doing Business As section. If no results are shown, you may want to simplify your search by just using the first or last part of the business name. Also remember that business like JcPenney can be spelled Jc Penney.
8. How do I narrow down my results?
The results page is set up like Google, where in all related results are shown with the most relevant information listed first. If you are having trouble locating a property you may go to the main search page and select the Advanced Search tab. Re-type your search there and add any additional information you have about the property into the appropriate sections and select Search. If no results are shown, you may want to remove some information to simplify the search.
9. How can I save search results?
There are two ways to save search results. On the search results page you have the option to Download a CSV file which can be opened using Excel or any other spreadsheet program. The button is located at the top Right hand side of the page. Additionally, you may email your search results to yourself or another individual. This option can be done by selecting the blue Email button at the top of the search results page. The Email option is also available on the property details page in the same location.
10. What is a Property ID?
The Property ID is a number assigned to a property by the appraisal district. Searching by property ID is the quickest way to locate a property. Your Property ID can be found on appraisal notice or tax bill.
11. What is a GIS map?
An aerial image that the appraisal district enhances with property data by using your deed information that is stored in their database.